Woman Forces Stepson To Eat His Faeces

Woman Forces Stepson To Eat His Faeces

It is appalilng in Uganda after a woman was filmed forcing his stepson to eat his faeces. The minor is said to be aged four years old only, an age which a child has not yet matured to even go to the toilet by himself.

The video went viral online which brought attention to police officers who then arrested the woman who was said to be 26 years old as per the reports. The woman will face charges for child torture and abuse.

Neighbours reported that the woman may have been doing the heinous act for quite sometime without them noticing, till when she was caught red handed by one of her neighbors who recorded a short film which went viral online.

The spokesperson of Uganda police Enanga Fred said that his team is going to take the child to a protective shelter and ensure he receives appropriate medical attention.

The spokesman also urged the Ugandans not to hesitate to report such child abuse cases to them, to help the Ugandan government in curbing child abuse cases which have been on the rise.



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